Monday, June 04, 2012

Centre of a Shit Storm

Finally, finally got some time to write, and I have a sweet novella bubbling away involving love amongst the oil rigs in Central Australia.  And you know what, dear readers, I'm having so much fun writing it.  I so needed this!

Of course life, observing this, has thrown several spanners my direction in the last couple of days.  Two family members sick, horrific weather (meaning children inside with cabin fever) and I somewhat naively set off something of a shit-storm at the kids school today as well.

Having a special needs kid in a mainstream school is like walking an endless tightrope.  You manage, negotiate, represent, soothe, apologise, tiptoe, stamp, shout, thank, appreciate, hold your tongue and above all keep smiling no matter what.

Being an introvert of generally irritable disposition, none of the above is my forte.  But, the role of managing Miss 6 at school falls on my shoulders.  And mostly, through care and effort, I do okay at it.


Today I fell off that tightrope.  And it was spectacular.  I won't go into details, it was just a case of 'policy' versus 'common sense'.  But it resulted in me sitting in my car sobbing with a combination of frustration and grief over the whole crappy situation.

There have been phone calls, meetings and more tears.  And I have been summoned to the principal's office for a meeting that I am not yet ready to have, and will have to articulate things I'm not yet ready to say.  Its gone on all day and I am tired and stressed.

So, imagine my surprise when I get a text from a friend.  "Look outside your front door." It said.

So I did.

There in the dark was a bag, with wine and crepes and chocolate.  And a note of support and hugs and love.

Never have I needed a surprise like that more.

So thank you dear kind Dianna :)  You have, once again, picked me up when I was at my lowest ebb, and I am so blessed to have you in my life.  Hugs back sweetie.

3 people love me:

Lisa Barton-Collins said...

What an amazing friend!

Lyn said...

Shedding a tear or two in support, you are an amazing woman, look how far you've both come  since Miss 6's diagnosis.In years to come she will be so proud of the battles you have fought on her behalf xxxx

Greenie said...

What a great friend you have! I am remembering with a wry smile the many many similar episodes we had during the school years (and beyond now I come to think of it) of my son. Fighting to keep him in a mainstream school. Whew! And sitting sobbing in my car is a familiar memory too.
Hugs and kisses
Greenie x