Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Crop Rotation: Suburban Garden Style

In my vege plot I work on a six bed crop rotation system which is as follows:

Bed 1: Root vegetables
Bed 2: Legumes (peas, beans)
Bed 3: Onions
Bed 4: Tomatoes
Bed 5: Sweetcorn/Pumpkins
Bed 6: Potatoes

Why rotate your crops: because if you don't you end up with things like Root Knot Nematodes - which I have in a bed where I grew spuds, then tomatoes, then spuds, then tomatoes, then tomatoes, before I knew about crop rotation.  The bed is now next to useless.

So, whilst visiting Fagan Park at Galston last week I was interested to see their crop rotation system in their Eco Garden.
Its a sign
Bed 1: Lettuce, garlic, marigolds
Bed 2: Cabbage, radish, celery
Bed 3: Leeks, shallots, onions
Bed 4: Green manure
Bed 5: Snowpeas, beans
Bed 6: Spinach, beetroot, onions
Yes well I thought it was interesting ;)

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farmer_liz said...

hmmm, I'm struggling with this too, I have so many brassicas there's no way to rotate..... I think it matters more for some plants compared to others. I think the solution with your nematodes is to grow marigolds and dig them into the soil, but I haven't tried that myself. I wonder how they will go with the onions in the bed with the root crops, they have two onion beds (3 and 6), so won't that stuff up the rotation?